Our Patents

These are some of our patents that are already granted in the US and pending in 34 other countries. It typically takes 4-5 years from the time a patent is applied for to when it is granted. We also hold several more patents that have been applied for and are pending.

Patents for Extraction and Storage of Geothermal Energy

US 10330348 B2

Granted 2019

Closed Loop Geothermal Energy Collection System.

For pertinent information about Molten Salt Loop, refer to Section 22 onward.

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US 10914293 B2 

Granted 2021

Method, System, and Apparatus for Extracting Heat Energy from Geothermal Fluid

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US 9927151 B2 

Granted 2018

Geothermal Energy Collection System
Thermal Masses

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ship on body of water at night

US 9181931 B2 

Granted 2015

Geothermal Energy Collection System. Extraction by using a thermal mass.

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US 10605491 B2 

Granted 2020

Geothermal Energy Collection System

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Patents for Pyrolysis and Spallation Drilling

US 10018026 B2

Granted 2018

System and Apparatus for Geothermal Pyrolysis

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US 10787894 B2 

Granted 2020

System and Apparatus for Spallation Drilling. Pyrolysis reactor.

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US 20200378233 A1 

Granted 2020

System and Apparatus for Spallation Drilling. Hot fluid jet.

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